Entraigues sur La Sorgue, FRANCE, 2013
Western Red Cedar soundboard, Indian Rosewood back and sides
Ebony fretboard, 650 mm string length
Gently used, excellent condition. $5900 -- SOLD
Entraigues sur La Sorgue, FRANCE, 2011
Western Red Cedar Soundboard, Indian Rosewood Back and Sides
Ebony fretboard with 650 string length
$ 8000 SOLD
With a double or "sandwich" soundboard producing the deep powerful resonance and scintillating trebles that make for a great concert guitar, this new Renaud Galabert has all the sustain and clarity for which the finest French luthiers are famous.
The back is fashioned from exquisite Cocobola rosewood (dalbergia retusa) laminated on Indian rosewood (dalbergia latifola) to provide a solid foundation to reflect the tone. The sides are Cocobola laminated on Provencal cypress (cupressus semervirens). The neck is Spanish cedar (cereal odorata) reinforced with ebony. Madagasgar rosewood (dalbergia baronii) is used for the bridge while the rosette is beautifully inlaid Moroccan thuya and maple.
The headstock is adorned with Cocobola and the tuning machines are excellent Irving Sloans with ebony knobs.
As you listen to this performance on the same model of Galabert, listen to the perfect balance and clarity in all positions. Here's a short video of a very good French player, Damien Aribert, on his Galabert: