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Hello Robert and John,

Thursday night we all waited outside in the garage for the UPS truck. When David saw the box come out of the truck he was thrilled. He emmediatly opened it and played his new Giambattista G6. All he said was "sweet"

When I heard the Guitar I knew that I had found the Right people to trust. Your knowlege of classical guitars is wonderful and this comes across on your web site.Although I do not know a lot about guitars I do know when one sounds better than another. Wow! The Alvarez was dead and my instincts to trust you about the Giambattista were right on. As David"s guitar teacher said: "There isn't a little differance, there is a HUGE difference".

We thank you and although we feel we know you well I have to say, I look forward to meeting you one day soon. All the best

Sarah, Charles and David. Sarah Blanc, New Canaan, CT