(215) 567-2972
Store Hours (EST):
Mon. - Fri. : 12 - 6pm
Sat. : 11am - 4pm
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It has been about a month and a half since I visited your store and purchased my Dupont Conservatoire. You probably figured out that I fell in love with the instrument during that afternoon in your store. I am pleased to report that I am still in love with my Dupont. I played seven or eight guitars in the same price range and found the Dupont to be far superior in tone quality and projection. The only instrument that I tried that was superior was the Dupont Prelude at half again the price. I was certainly tempted by the Prelude, but in the end I felt that my abilities simply weren't up to the quality of the instrument. They are not up to the Conservatoire either, but at least it is a closer match and a continuing inspiration.

Thank you for your assistance with my purchase.

Bob Sillars, Clarence, NY