(215) 567-2972
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Mon. - Fri. : 12 - 6pm
Sat. : 11am - 4pm
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To Behrad and Bill:

  Thank you for making my most recent visit to your shop a very memorable one. It's just been all but a few hours since I brought my Hanika 54 home, and I've just put it down for the first time to take a break and write this email. It's so beautiful and just a pleasure to play. I'm supposed to be practicing and yet, I'm just playing my repertoire over and over again just to listen to it sing. Thank you Behrad for all your patience in showing me all the different makes and models. I didn't imagine that I would walk out with a different guitar as I had one specific one in mind. However, I couldn't be happier with my final decision. Thank you Bill for going over the advantages and instructing me on the various accessories for my new guitar. I really appreciated the time you took to assist me with my needs. Thank you again for everything. -Eric